2011-12-06 - Lemon Road Park Loop


~4.5 miles @ ~8.8 min/mi

Comrade Jean-Michel is in the locker room, just back from his run as I get ready to head out for my substitute-lunch. He did orbits in the parking garage to avoid the rain, but I don't care. Slippery wet autumn leaves decorate the sidewalk. I take the same circuit as on 2011-10-07 - Scott Run, Pimmit View, Griffith, Lemon Road Parks and 2011-10-24 - Pimmit Hills Loop with Sara, pushing the pace and finishing in 39:14, a hair faster than before. A Metrobus passes me but pauses to pick up passengers; I sprint to beat it to the next corner. At the church on Great Falls Rd where the sidewalk vanishes the path is muddy and I slant across to the other side of the street.

^z - 2011-12-19